About Me

Dentistry within my Soul

As I sat in my grade 7 art class on a cold winter afternoon in Calgary, I couldn't help but ponder how my guidance counselor had managed to persuade me to sign up for this junior high elective. We were asked to pencil sketch what we “emotionally felt”. I was numb. I couldn’t put pencil to paper. I found these instructions incomprehensible which almost cost me a failing grade in art and my future path in medicine.

A Change of Heart

It wasn't until 11 years later that I truly grasped the essence of art. It dawned on me that art is not just about the emotion the artist feels during the creative process, but rather the profound impact it has on others, evoking emotions and sparking appreciation. This realization steered me away from a path in medicine and drew me towards dentistry and eventually cosmetic dentistry.

The Passion

Over my 23 years of dentistry, I found a medium through which I could channel my passion for evoking positive emotions and creating meaningful connections with my patients. Much like a piece of art, a healthy and radiant smile has the power to convey joy, confidence, and comfort. It is through the intersection of art and science in dentistry that I discovered my true calling, utilizing the canvas of oral health to enrich the lives of others.

Let me be part of your journey, Sincerely, Osman

Dr. Osman Anwar

BSc (1997)
University of Calgary

DDS (2001)
University of Alberta

FETAP Level 1 & 2 (2020)
College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

AACA Calgary Study Club (Chair)
CDSA Committee - Registration Committee (Chair)

College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
Alberta Dental Association
Canadian Dental Association